Thursday, April 28, 2011

Bosslady just came to me to say she had spotted one small error on a document that I'd put an image on, but she actually WROTE UP, and that Barney Frank's committee is this and not that, and oh it was probably her fault but could I fix it... oh I guess maybe I could just do it huh since it's a word document

Are you f'ing kidding me - you took the time to open the document on your computer, skim it, then COME OVER TO ME AND WAIT FOR ME TO COME BACK FROM THE BATHROOM TO TELL ME THAT YOU HAD SPOTTED AN ERROR IN THE DOCUMENT YOU WROTE AND COULD I FIX IT - you do realize it would have taken all of I dont know less than a second to make the correction - but instead you had to spend 5 minutes seeking me out and having an inane conversation with me so that you could in fact blame for something that I had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH

this is why i hate my job